Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Sam An Teng

Participle is an adjective, not a verb, formed by adding -ed (past participle) or -ing (present participle) to the verb. Although it looks like a verb, it functions as an adjective modifying noun or pronoun.

For examples,
  • boiling water [ = the water which is boiling. ]
  • cooked rice [ = the rice which is cooked. ]
  • a boring movie [ = the movie that is boring. ]
  • a bored man [ = the man who is bored. ] 
គួរចំណាំៈ Participial adjective មានទម្រង់ស្រដៀងទៅ នឹង verb (present or past participle) ដោយ វាបញ្ចប់ ដោយ -ed ឬ -ing ​ប៉ុន្តែវាពុំមែនជា verb ទេ។ ផ្ទុយទៅវិញ វាមានតួនាទី ជា adjective គឺវាបញ្ជាក់ន័យឲ្យ nouns ។


The use of past and present participles are a little bit different that might confuse you and your audience. You can compare or differentiate as in the following:

1. Cause or source of the feelings 1. the feelings
For example,
  • The movie is boring.
For example,
  • The boy is bored.
(១) ពណ៌នាពីប្រភព ឬ មូលហេតុ​នៃ អារម្មណ៍។ (១) ពណ៌នាពី អារម្មណ៍ ដែល កើត ឡើង ពីហេតុការណ៍មួយ។
2. an on-going process 2. a completed process
For examples,
  • Frying egg
  • I smell the cooking soup.
For examples,
  • Fried egg
  • I taste the cooked soup.
(២) ពណ៌នាអ្វីដែលកំពុងកើត ឡើង ឬ មិនទាន់បញ្ចប់។ (២) ពណ៌នាអ្វីដែលបានបញ្ចប់ រួចរាល់ហើយ។
3. purpose or function of something 3. natural quality or means of something
For example,
  • He has a driving license.
For example,
  • He's got a typed letter.
(៣) ពណ៌នាពីគោល បំណង ឬ តួនាទី របស់វត្ថុអ្វី មួយ។ (៣) ពណ៌នាពីធម្មជាតិ ដើម ឬ មធ្យោបាយនៃវត្ថុអ្វីមួយ។

Participle phrase

A participial phrase is a relative clause which has been reduced, i.e. reduced adjective clause.
For examples
  • The passengers injured in the accident were taken to hospital. [= The passengers who were injured in the accident were taken to hospital.]
  • The boy standing at the gate is my son. [= The boy who is standing at the gate is my son.]