Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Illustration Paragraph

Illustration paragraph (which is also called exemplification paragraph) uses examples to make an idea or generalization more specific and detailed.

As you have learned that a paragraph consists of topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence, an illustration can be organized in this way.

Topic Sentence = Idea/Generalization + Opinion on the idea/generalization
Supporting Sentence =
     Supporting Idea: Example 1 (Fact/Opinion) + Supporting Detail: Details/Explanation on example 1 
     Supporting Idea: Example 2 (Fact/Opinion) + Supporting Detail: Details/Explanation on example 2 
     Supporting Idea: Example 3 (Fact/Opinion) + Supporting Detail: Details/Explanation on example 3 
Concluding Sentence = 1. Restate, 2. Summarize, 3. Predict, or 4. Suggest
Here is an example.

Smoking is not good. When you smoke, your health will be risk. You might be vulnerable to some cancers and lung complications. If you smoke, you will need to spend a lot of money. Supposed that a pack of cigarette cost one dollar, you may need to spend up to 33% of your GDP per capita. This is a huge amount of expense. Also, whenever you smoke, you will be a bad model for young people or children. They may think it is okay to smoke, which is wrong indeed. All in all, you should not smoke.