Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How to Write Introductory Paragraphs

Essay is a group of paragraphs talking about one topic — which is stated in the thesis statement. In contains three different types of paragraph: introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs.

The introductory paragraph, which usually has five or six sentences, contains background information and a thesis statement. It is the first paragraph of an essay.

Introduction = Background information + Thesis statement

  • Background information – You need to include two pieces of information: leading and liking information. Leading information is the general information about the topic which leads the audience to a topic; linking information gets more specific and links the general information to the topic or thesis statement.
  • Thesis statement – It is a short debatable statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay. It lists the specific topic or sub-topics of the essay.
For example
Supposed that you are going to write about a topic "Internet". A simple introductory paragraph will be:

Background information:

Lead: Internet is a technology which marks the new age, the age of internet or information, of human kind. It has been introduced since the early 1990s mainly for technicians. It has been getting more developed and standardized. The standard internet protocol attract web developers and users all over the world.

Link: More people and organizations have been using this technology, and it revolutionizes the ways in which people works.

Thesis statement
List (Thesis statement): From my observation, I think it changes the way we communicate, work, and learn.

Here is a simple introductory paragraph:
Internet is a technology which marks the new age, the age of internet or information, of human kind. It has been introduced since the early 1990s mainly for technicians. It has been getting more developed and standardized. The standard internet protocol attract web developers and users all over the world. More people and organizations have been using this technology, and it revolutionizes the ways in which people works. From my observation, I think it changes the way we communicate, work, and learn.